Clerk’s Page

Kristin Shipps, Township Clerk, R.M.C.

General Information:  908-362-6528 X 1
Office Hours: 

Hardwick Office Hours: Thursday 12:00 pm to 4 pm

Blairstown Office Hours: Monday – Wednesday and Friday 8:00 am – 4:00 pm

Marriage Applications:    MUST be made by appointment

To apply for a marriage license you must schedule an appointment with the Township Clerks office – please call office to schedule at 908-362-6528 x 1. It is also recommended that you apply at least two weeks in advance.

Click here for Application for License:  Marriage, Remarriage, Civil Union, and Reaffirmation of Civil Union.  Please download the application and fill out the front portion.  Applications are to be completed neatly before coming to appointment.  You may also email your completed application to

The witness is to fill out top portion of second page.  Signatures will be done at the time of appointment. Masks must be worn at time of appointment and will only be allowed in the foyer portion in front of the municipal building.

Items required at time of appointment for a marriage license:

  1.  A witness
  2. $28.00 (Check or Money Order only) made out to Hardwick Township
  3. Valid Government issued ID
  4. Proof of residency (Driver’s license) except for, if you are coming from out of State then the venue on where ceremony is to take place MUST be within Hardwick Township